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RR Academy

See your LEADERSHIP grow with us

The RR academy has it own teaching-learning methodology to reinforce your leadership that includes lively experiences with horses in the pools of the ranch facilities, educational material provided, individual and group guided sessions, coaching, as well as personal extra murals activities for practicing and fixing of acquired knowledge. The educational products are the main fruits of the RR academy and are designed to take full advantage of the AquadVentrure method as an element of innovation. They also provide a peaceful, friendly and recreational training, while raising the quality of the relationship of the human being, not only with himself and the horse but also with other members of his family and the rest of humanity. These products have been conceived as a diplomate and are aimed at family members: Parents,children,grandchildren.

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 Objective: Through this program, a level  of training is    reached  for the rider initiated  with the  orientation of    a facilitator, which will allow the participant to begin     a gradual process to raise the quality of his begin

 relationship with himself,exercising a healthy discipline    and  learning to be positive about himself



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 Objective:To increase the  participant's  knowledge  about  himself,    strengthening his values  by  serene  and assertive  driving  of    the first air (horse's  step) during the session of games inside    the pool. The skills to be  developed  allow an  effective  communication  with the horse (active listening as a  receiver,  serene look). Also a precise    response as a receiver and timely in the sound and in the  use of  legs    and  hands and the group reflection of  individual experiences.    Likewise,  the opportune transmission  of  the  reward  to the horse  in    gestures so as not to confuse it and  the dynamic self-control  to  firmly    lead  the horse, convincing it, not  overcoming it.    

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Objective:To achieve a level of consistency in the    knowledge,skills and attitudes learned in the previous    graduates in their relationship with themselves, fellow    participants and the horse. To generate an    interrelationship towards their social nucleus (family,    friends, and work colleagues) based on feelings,    emotions and experiences in their relationship with the    horse and the result of  having added value to their    lives in a fun way. The participant will measure his    progress with a barometer and will be able to record:  scores in the practical assimilation of principles and    values, the increase of rational skills,power of influence    in  the peaceful and fair solution of social conflicts.   



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Objective: Train the 1st Grade Facilitator Rider, to    develop leadership in their behavior and transform    their attitude,taking advantage of the knowledge and    skills acquired, seeking orientations towards well-being    based on God's principles and  values. It also aims    to lead the horse in the three  airs (step,jog and    gallop), achieve the level of awareness necessary to    verbally communicate principles and values of  the    horse-rider relationship and maintain the transfer of    CHA, through conversations and activities with fellow    graduates.  



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